
It is the richest natural food in proteins, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, enzymes etc. Pollen has antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. It strengthens the immune system and protects against cell destruction. Vitamin B12 increases metabolism and helps burn dietary fat by giving energy boost. It is also a natural testosterone booster and builds muscle. Reduces high cholesterol, triglycerides and improves digestion and helps regulate blood pressure.

The pollen is stored in the refrigerator and preferably in the freezer where it retains 100% of its nutrients for a longer period (1-2 years).

Recommended for:

Children: Half a teaspoon a day, the first week and gradually increase to half a tablespoon.

Adults: 1 teaspoon a day, the first week and gradually increase to 1 tbsp.
Athletes: Up to 100g per day. One dose 1 hour before exercise and another after exercise.


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