Πακέτο Superfoods 1



Royal Jelly

Royal jelly strengthens our immune system and helps to stimulate the body. It has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, vitamins B, C, D, A, E etc. Helps with anemia, recovery, constipation, anxiety, depression, fatigue, hypertension, diabetes, etc. It is recommended to take one(1) teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, until it dissolves. Children half(0,5) a teaspoon and athletes up to two(2). It is kept in the refrigerator. Available in 10g packaging.

Beeswax Ointment

An old recipe from pure beeswax and virgin olive oil. Used for moisturizing the skin, dermatitis, burns, mastitis, eczema. Also concussions, cracks, cuts, fungal infections, massage, acne, dry skin, etc. It is used by allergy sufferers who cannot use any other cream on the market. For babies it is considered the best because it is completely pure. Available in 30ml.

Propolis Tincture

The use of propolis has been used for medicinal and nutritional purposes since antiquity. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial action. It also has anti-viral properties, is antifungal and antioxidant and has anesthetic, antiparasitic and healing properties. For this, it is nature's natural and powerful antibiotic. Propolis contains over three hundred different substances such as: 45-55% resins 25-35% wax and fatty acids 10% essential oils 5% pollen (proteins, amino acids) 5% metals and organic substances. The tincture is 30% propolis, for maximum results and is recommended for: External use: Put 1-2 drops on irritations, minor injuries and pimples. Internal use: Dissolve 10-20 drops in water, tea, milk, orange juice, etc. Drink the solution or use it for gargling in the mouth. Available in a 20ml package.


It is the richest natural food in proteins, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, enzymes etc. Pollen has antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. It strengthens the immune system and protects against cell destruction. Vitamin B12 increases metabolism and helps burn dietary fat by giving energy boost. It is also a natural testosterone booster and builds muscle. Reduces high cholesterol, triglycerides and improves digestion and helps regulate blood pressure. Recommended for: Children: Half(0,5) a teaspoon a day, the first week and gradually increase to half(0,5) a tablespoon. Adults: 1 teaspoon a day, the first week and gradually increase to 1 tbsp. Athletes: Up to 100g per day. One dose 1 hour before exercise and another after exercise. The pollen is stored in the refrigerator and preferably in the freezer where it retains 100% of its nutrients for a longer period (1-2 years).  
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